Sprint 1 - Review Ticket

Sprint 1 Page

Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace Notes:

  • Created script that runs verification commands and outputs commands to a post demonstrating successful installation
  • Verifies versions of tools, easy debugging
  • Post

GitHub Pages Actions Notes:

Hacks Tools & Equipment Play Notes:

  • Tools Installation Hack: Verification Script (see laptop verification above)
  • Answers to tools installation commands: Link
  • JavaScript: Used Leaflet to create a map
  • Utilizes geojson file with US county boundaries to display US counties
  • Colors the counties to show which ones I have been to
  • Link

Hacks GitHub Pages Playground Notes:

  • Theme: Imported Jekyll Hydeout theme
  • Different formats, modified layouts as evident by whole blog
  • Switching Blogs: Imports theme on Jekyll and therefore swapping css themes becomes more tricky
  • Solution: Store two different blog themes/layouts, in _bak folders and script changes theme of blog
  • Modifies _config.yml, as well as pages due to different labeling in blog layouts
  • Script
  • Future improvements could fetch directly from a blog’s github page

Hacks SASS Basics Notes:

  • Copied over calculator files: utilizes calculator.scss file
  • Link
  • Utilizes SASS features (@mixin, @includes, @extend, variables, etc.)
  • Reuses button code multiple times for different types of buttons

Hacks Frontend Notes:

  • Frontend wireframe knowledge is demonstrated by formatting of Emoji page
  • See Link Below

Pair Programming Notes:

  • Emoji!
  • User is provided with a canvas to draw on
    • Brush Size slider allows user to control size of brush
    • IRO Color Picker allows user to choose color
  • Page analyses drawing and compares to emojis useing Mean Squared Error to identify the closest emoji
  • Displays emoji!
  • Link