- Start working on pair showcase to demonstrate knowledge learned
- Interaction between Python and VSCODE
- Program to encrypt and decrypt using basic ciphers, such as ceaser cipher
- Implement functions to convert plaintext to numbers
- Use such numbers to encrypt code
- Create option to brute force, should be possible since there are only 26 options
- Compare each word in plaintext to a wordlist, count the number of valid words in each option
- Display decrypted message
- Interaction between Linux and VSCODE
- Extension of Python cipher idea, base64 was brought up
- Identify hash or base64 encoded string
- Use Linux commands to decrypt
- As mentioned in the article, linux can be used to check for installation of tools and display useful information about the system
- Check that all tools are properly installed
- Interaction between JavaScript and User
- Quiz for user
- Display image of a city
- User must guess the city and then is prompted for a new city
- Usage of Javascript Input to get user’s guess
- Despite being simpler than python and linux, due to lack of basic experience with JavaScript, we will have to take this step by step, research and debug experience errors, and then share research to fix errors.
- Extend all articles
- JavaScript, Python, Linux articles, work together to create summary of provided code, and better understand it